Wednesday, April 1, 2015

FULL TEXT: General Muhammadu Buhari’s Official Acceptance Speech

I am immensely grateful to God for this day and for this hour. I feel truly honoured and humbled that the Nigerian people have so clearly chosen me to lead them. The official announcement from INEC was the moment the vast majority of Nigerians had hoped and been waiting for. Today, history has been made, and change has finally come. Your votes have changed our national destiny for the good of all Nigerians .
INEC has announced that I, Muhammadu Buhari, shall be your next president. My team and I shall faithfully serve you. There shall no
longer be a ruling party again: APC will be your governing party. We shall faithfully serve you. We shall never rule over the people as if
they were subservient to government.
Our long night has passed and the daylight of new democratic governance has broken across the land. This therefore is not a victory
for one man or even one party. It is a victory for Nigeria and for all Nigerians. Millions of you have worked for this day. So many have
risked life and livelihood; and others have died that we may witness this moment.
And it is with a very heavy heart that I report many deaths and injuries amidst the jubilations yesterday. We send our sincere condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives; and wish speedy recovery to those who suffered injuries. I appeal to all our supporters to celebrate this victory with prayers and reflection instead of wild jubilation.
May the souls of those who died rest in peace. Let us take a moment of silence to honour all of those whose sacrifices have brought us to this fine and historic hour. As the results of the election have shown, their labour has not been and will never be in vain. Democracy and the rule of law will be re-established in the land.
Let us put the past, especially the recent past, behind us. We must forget our old battles and past grievances—and learn to forge ahead. I assure you that our government is one that will listen to and embrace all.

I pledge myself and our in-coming administration to just and principled governance. There shall be no bias against or favouritism for any Nigerian based on ethnicity, religion, region, gender or social status. I pledge myself and the government to the rule of law, in which none shall be so above the law that they are not subject to its dictates, and none shall be so below it that they are not availed of its protection.
You shall be able to go to bed knowing that you are safe and that your constitutional rights remain in safe hands. You shall be able to voice your opinion without fear of reprisal or victimisation. My love and concern for this nation and what I desire for it extends to all, even to those who do not like us or our politics. You are all my people and I shall treat everyone of you as my own. I shall work for those who voted for me as well as those who voted against me and even for those who did not vote at all. We all live under one name as one nation: we are all Nigerians.
Some unfortunate issues about my eligibility have been raised during the campaign. I wish to state that through devotion to this nation, everything I have learned and done has been to enable me to make the best possible contribution to public life. If I had judged myself incapable of governing I would never have sought to impose myself on it. I have served in various capacities and have always put in my best.
But despite the rancour of the elections, I extend a hand of friendship and conciliation to President Jonathan and his team. I hereby wish to
state that I harbour no ill will against anyone.
Let me state clearly that President Jonathan has nothing to fear from me. Although we may not agree on the methods of governing the nation, he is a great Nigerian and still our president. He deserves our support and permanent respect by virtue of the office he has held.
This is how an honourable nation treats its servants and conducts its affairs; and this is how Nigeria should be.
I look forward to meeting with President Jonathan in the days to come to discuss how our teams can make the transition of administrations as efficient as possible.
Here, I want to thank my party for selecting me as its candidate. I thank our party leaders and members for the steadfast contributions
they made to bring our dream to fruition. I thank INEC, the police and all other government agencies for performing their tasks in a proper manner and for refusing to be induced to undermine the election and the democratic process.
I also wish to thank religious Leaders, traditional leaders, the media, labour unions, Civil Society organisations, organised private sector,
youths and students for their roles in this election.
Here, I want to thank my party for selecting me as its candidate. I thank our party leaders and members for the steadfast contributions
they made to bring our dream to fruition. I thank INEC, the police and all other government agencies for performing their tasks in a proper manner and for refusing to be induced to undermine the election and the democratic process.
I also wish to thank religious Leaders, traditional leaders, the media, labour unions, Civil Society organisations, organised private sector,
youths and students for their roles in this election.
I give special thanks to President Obama and his timely intervention and support for peaceful and credible elections in Nigeria and for
sending Secretary John Kerry and other United States officials. The European Union – especially the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other nations that were actively involved in ensuring the success of this election are equally appreciated. My sincere thanks to the United Nations Secretary General Mr Ban-Ki Moon. The Commonwealth, China, India and other Asian and Gulf states are also hereby appreciated.
Finally our brothers in the African Union and ECOWAS have truly and clearly shown and demonstrate their commitment to our
democratisation process. Former Presidents John Kuffour, Amos Sawyer, Bakili Muluzi and his team are well appreciated. I must also
add my appreciation for the role played by civil societies, national and International observers, other world leaders in ensuring that Nigeria holds free and fair elections.
I assure all foreign governments that Nigeria will become a more forceful and constructive player in the global fight against terrorism
and in other matters of collective concern, such as the fight against drugs, climate change, financial fraud, communicable diseases and
other issues requiring global response. I want to assure our fellow African nations that Nigeria will now stand as a more constructive
partner in advancing the matters of concern to our continent, particularly with regard to economic development and eradication of
Former head of state and president Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, General Yakubu Gowon, Alh. Shehu Shagari, General Ibrahim Babangida, Chief Ernest Shonekan and General Abdulsalami Abubakar deserve commendations for their statesmanship and words of caution and counsel for peace during the tense moments of this electoral period.
Most of all, I thank the people of Nigeria for reposing their confidence in me at this trying moment. Our nation wrestles many challenges including insecurity, corruption, economic decline. I pledge to give you my best in tackling these problems.
The good people of Nigeria, your obligation does not end with casting your ballot. I seek your voice and input as we tackle these problems.
This will not be a government democratic only in form. It will be a government democratic in substance and in how it interacts with its
own people.
No doubt, this nation has suffered greatly in the recent past, and its staying power has been tested to its limits by crises, chief among
which is insurgency of the Boko Haram. There is no doubt that in tackling the insurgency we have a tough and urgent job to do. But I
assure you that Boko Haram will soon know the strength of our collective will and commitment to rid this nation of terror, and bring
back peace and normalcy to all the affected areas. We shall spare no effort until we defeat terrorism.
Furthermore, we shall strongly battle another form of evil that is even worse than terrorism—the evil of corruption. Corruption attacks and seeks to destroy our national institutions and character. By misdirecting into selfish hands funds intended for the public purpose, corruption distorts the economy and worsens income inequality. It creates a class of unjustly-enriched people.
Such an illegal yet powerful force soon comes to undermine democracy because its conspirators have amassed so much money that they believe they can buy government. We shall end this threat to our economic development and democratic survival. I repeat that
corruption will not be tolerated by this administration; and it shall no longer be allowed to stand as if it is a respected monument in this
I ask you to join me in resolving these and the other challenges we face. Along the way, there will be victories but there may also be
setbacks. Mistakes will be made. But we shall never take you for granted; so, be rest assured that our errors will be those of
compassion and commitment not of wilful neglect and indifference.
We shall correct that which does not work and improve that which does. We shall not stop, stand or idle. We shall, if necessary crawl,
walk and run to do the job you have elected us to do.
I realise that the expectation of our people today is as high as their commitment to change has been strong and their belief in us
unshaken. While we pledge to begin doing our best without delay, we would like to appeal to them to appreciate the gravity of our situation, so that we become more realistic in our expectations.
We will govern for you and in your interests. Your vote was not wasted.
This is not the first time Nigerians have cast their votes for us, and this is not the first time they have been counted; but this is the first time that the votes have been allowed to count. With the help of God, we pledge to do our utmost to bring forth the Nigeria you seek.
Thank you for your patience and attention.
General Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR
Federal Republic of Nigeria

Oyo REC Releases NASS Election Results, Reacts To Protests

The Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Oyo State, Ambassador Rufus Akeju, has officially released the results of the National Assembly elections in the state, cautioning political parties who may feel aggrieved.
The REC told Journalists during a Press Conference at the headquarters of INEC in Ibadan that those protesting the results of the elections should seek redress at the Election Petition Tribunal, instead of disturbing public peace.
Mr Akeju added that several measures have been put in place to avoid malpractices during and after voting, condemning the generalised rejection of the result saying, it is a disservice to the electoral system and insult to the voters who made the sacrifice.
Members of the Accord and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had earlier marched to the Oyo State office of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), as a way of registering their displeasure, chanting songs amidst very tight security.
The Governorship candidate and leader of Accord, Rashidi Ladoja and his PDP counterpart, Teslim Folarin, at separate interviews, condemned the results in its entirety, claiming that the elections were fraught with irregularities
The results of the National Assembly election indicates that all the 3 senatorial seats in Oyo State were won by the APC, 12 of the 14 House of Reps seats also won by APC, while the Labour Party and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) won a seat each.

Governor Okorocha Commends President Jonathan For Political Maturity

The Governor of Imo State and the Chairman of APC Governors’ Forum has commended President Goodluck Jonathan for displaying high level of political maturity by conceding defeat and calling to congratulate General Muhammadu Buhari, the APC presidential candidate and winner of Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election.
Governor Rochas Okorocha, in a statement signed by his Press Secretary, Sam Onwuemoudo, said that President Jonathan has no doubt made history by being the first sitting Nigerian President who not only conceded victory to his major opponent, but openly congratulated him without betraying any emotions.
He urged the President to be mindful of the antics of some of his political associates who might want to coerce him into taking any action that would diminish all the goodwill he has gained in the eyes of Nigerians and the international community.
The Governor, however, called on all Nigerians to continue to pray for President Jonathan for God’s guidance in his personal life and future endeavours.
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in the early hours of Wednesday April 1, declared the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari, winner of Nigeria’s presidential election, defeating the incumbent, President Goodluck Jonathan.
General Muhammadu Buhari of the APC polled a total of 15,424,921 votes to defeat all other candidates, with Dr Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP polling a total of 12,853,162 votes to place second.

European Union Commends Jonathan For Saving Nigeria From Chaos

The European Union observer group to the 2015 general elections in Nigeria has described President Goodluck Jonathan’s conduct as a shining example that other world leaders should emulate.
Leader of the delegation, Mr Santiago Fisas, gave the commendation after holding a closed door meeting with the outgoing President in his office.
The five man delegation was at the Presidential Villa to congratulate Dr. Jonathan for allowing a peaceful electoral process and conceding defeat.
The group, which came to present the preliminary report on the outcome of the elections, said that the fact that President Jonathan conceded defeat saved Nigeria from degenerating into chaos as predicted by many pessimists.
The meeting with the president lasted for about 30 minutes before the Chief spoke to State House correspondents congratulating him for exemplary display of statesmanship for the entire world to see.
The leader of the observer group said that many political watchers never expected that Nigeria was going to come out without bruises following the elections.
He also gave kudos to the Nigerian people.
The EU observer group says they will be back in Nigeria in July for the full presentation of the report on the elections.

Jacob Zuma Congratulates Nigeria

South African President, Jacob Zuma, has congratulated Nigeria on the successful conduct of the 2015 presidential election.
A statement by the spokesperson of the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Clayson Monyela, said that South Africa remains committed to enhancing the historic relations between both countries.
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared General Muhammadu Buhari, winner of Nigeria’s presidential election, defeating the incumbent President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan by over 2 million votes.
The announcement was made by the Chairman of INEC, Professor Attahiru Jega, in the early hours of Wednesday, April 1, in Abuja, the nation’s capital.
This is the first time an opposition party is winning the presidential election in Nigeria.

Ban Ki-Moon Reacts To Nigeria’s Presidential Election

The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, says the way the presidential election in Nigeria was conducted is “a testament” to Nigeria’s “democratic spirit”.
           Mr. Ban Ki-Moon also commended President Goodluck Jonathan for “his statesmanship in upholding the democratic process”.
He applauded the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for organising the elections in a professional and credible “manner under challenging circumstances”.
The UN Chief then called on all Nigerians to accept the outcome of the elections.
He expressed hope that the same democratic spirit would prevail in the conduct of the governorship and state houses of assembly elections on April 11.
General Muhammadu Buhari was declared the winner of the Presidential election in the early hours of Wednesday and has received his Certificate of Return from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).
He defeated Nigeria’s incumbent President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, by over 2 million votes, in a keenly contested election which held on Saturday, March 28, 2015.
This is the first time an opposition party is winning the presidential election in Nigeria.
Before handing over the certificate to General Buhari, the Chairman of INEC, Professor Attahiru Jega, pledged that the commission would continue to do its best, under all circumstances, to ensure free, fair and credible elections.

Obasanjo Congratulates Buhari, Tasks Him On Reform

Former President, Olusegun Obasanjo has congratulated the President-elect, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari over his election in Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election.

Obasanjo, in a letter to the President-elect said his success and victory “after three previous unsuccessful attempts must be great object lessons for you and for all politicians, particularly in Nigeria.
“For me, the totality of 2015 elections hold many lessons for our democracy and democratisation process which are both maturing.”
The former President, who himself had been democratically elected twice noted further that, “On this occasion, the system has been unnecessarily overheated before and particularly during the campaigns when emphasis was more on trivialities and hate, divisive, undignifying and disrespectful statements and comments rather than on pressing issues requiring attention.”
He pointed out the President-elect in victory, “will be magnanimous to start binding the wounds and bitterness occasioned by the campaign and the evil disciples.
“With so much harm already done to many national institutions including the military, which proudly nurtured you and me, you will have a lot to do on institution reform, education, healthcare, economy, security, infrastructure, power, youth employment, agribusiness, oil and gas, external affairs, cohesiveness of our nation and ridding our land of corruption.
“Your varied and wide experience will undoubtedly stand you in good stead.
“I am also sure that there are men and women of goodwill, character and virtue across the board that you can mobilise to join hands with you in the reform, repairs and re-direction that will be imperative to put Nigeria back on the fast lane of good governance, unity, cohesiveness, development and progress.
“Once again, I felicitate with you and wish you well,” Obasanjo stated.

Obama Commends Buhari, Jonathan

The U.S. President, Barack Obama, on Wednesday commended President-elect Muhammadu Buhari, and current President, Goodluck Jonathan, following the outcome of the presidential election.
       In a statement, the U.S. President, who praised Nigeria’s commitment to democracy said: “I urge President-elect Buhari and President Jonathan to repeat their calls to their supporters to continue to respect the election outcomes, focus on unifying the country, and together lead Nigeria through a peaceful transition.”
Ahead of the general elections, President Barack Obama, had sent a special message to Nigerians, urging a credible and peaceful polls.
In the message sent directly to Nigerians, President Obama reminded the nation about its struggle for independence from colonialism, the struggle against military dictatorship and the need to turn the country’s diversity into a source of strength.
Positive reactions have continued to trail Nigeria’s conduct of its 2015 general elections with the South African President, Jacob Zuma, also commending Nigeria’s successful and peaceful conduct of the presidential election.
The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, says the way the presidential election in Nigeria was conducted is “a testament” to Nigeria’s “democratic spirit”.
Mr Ban Ki-Moon also commended President Jonathan for “his statesmanship in upholding the democratic process”.
General Muhammadu Buhari was declared the winner of the Presidential election in the early hours of Wednesday and has received his Certificate of Return from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).
He defeated Nigeria’s incumbent President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, by over 2 million votes, in a keenly contested election which held on Saturday, March 28, 2015.
This is the first time an opposition party is winning the presidential election in Nigeria.
Before handing over the certificate to General Buhari, the Chairman of INEC, Professor Attahiru Jega, pledged that the commission would continue to do its best, under all circumstances, to ensure free, fair and credible elections.

FULL TEXT: Statement By President Goodluck Jonathan After Announcement Of Presidential Election Results



Fellow Nigerians,
I thank you all for turning out en-masse for the March 28 General Elections.
I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word. I have also expanded the space for Nigerians to participate in the democratic process. That is one legacy I will like to see endure.
Although some people have expressed mixed feelings about the results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), I urge those who may feel aggrieved to follow due process based on our constitution and our electoral laws, in seeking redress.
As I have always affirmed, nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. The unity, stability and progress of our dear country is more important than anything else.
I congratulate all Nigerians for successfully going through the process of the March 28th General Elections with the commendable enthusiasm and commitment that was demonstrated nationwide.
I also commend the Security Services for their role in ensuring that the elections were mostly peaceful and violence-free.
To my colleagues in the PDP, I thank you for your support. Today, the PDP should be celebrating rather than mourning. We have established a legacy of democratic freedom, transparency, economic growth and free and fair elections.
For the past 16 years, we have steered the country away from ethnic and regional politics. We created a Pan-Nigerian political party and brought home to our people the realities of economic development and social transformation.
Through patriotism and diligence, we have built the biggest and most patriotic party in Nigerian history. We must stand together as a party and look to the future with renewed optimism.
I thank all Nigerians once again for the great opportunity I was given to lead this country and assure you that I will continue to do my best at the helm of national affairs until the end of my tenure.
I have conveyed my personal best wishes to General Muhammadu Buhari.
May God Almighty continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
I thank you all.
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR
Federal Republic of Nigeria